BACKGROUNDThe Auckland Tuberculosis Association was established in 1944 to help patients and their families who were affected by tuberculosis. Over the years, with changes in the prevalence and treatment of tuberculosis, the area of assistance provided by the Association has been extended into many respiratory areas. In the early 1990's the name was changed to The Auckland Chest & Tuberculosis Association. Then in 2005 the change was made to Lung Health, Auckland. ACTIVITIESThis organization has a long history of providing practical and financial support to TB & non-TB respiratory patients. Methods of assistance include: Transport Prescriptions General financial assistance:
We provide food vouchers, pay power or gas bills, and may pay home rent. Other areas of need are addressed as they arise, generally on referral by public health nurses or social workers.
Hospital resources:
We provide furniture & refurbishment in respiratory areas, magazines for hospital respiratory outpatient areas.
Education, research and travel: |
MANAGEMENT STRUCTURELung Health, Auckland employs a part-time Secretary-Treasurer. The other Officers provide voluntary service. The Secretary liaises with hospital and public health staff who identify patients (and families) in need of assistance. The management structure also includes: The Executive Committee, the Investment Subcommittee and a General Committee. A Patient-education Subcommittee may be developed in the future. Our Patrons: these are the four Mayors of the cities comprising greater Auckland. FUTURE DIRECTIONS - beyond 2004 Since the 2004 Annual General Meeting, the organization's goal has been to extend services to patients in the whole Auckland Region (i.e. not just those at Auckland District Health Board, but also at Counties Manukau and Waitemata District Health Boards Services to non-tuberculosis patients are gradually being increased.. A future goal will be to comprehensively extend all our activities into child lung health. We are an entirely independent group and receive no government funding. We are reliant upon donations and income from investments to finance our activities